October 15, 2024

Serving Manitoba Since 1911 - 4 Generations

Since 1911, we have been known for handling garments, from dyeing and dry-cleaning to commercial laundry and uniform rentals. Throughout our long history, we have continuously expanded our services to better meet the needs of Manitoba businesses, while consistently enhancing our sustainability efforts and community commitment.

Hear from the 3rd and 4th generation of the Quinton family as they share the history of our company and our aspirations for serving our customers and community.

 Manitoba’s Uniform, Mat, & Linen Service Experts Since 1911

p) 204-477-6600

e) info@quintexservices.com



The Freshest Updates.

December 19, 2023
Floor Mat Rental: A Wise Investment for Cleanliness, Safety, and Efficiency

The cleanliness and safety of a space can significantly impact customer impressions, employee well-being, and overall operational efficiency. Find out how a proper mat rental service can help you.

August 17, 2023
Creating a Positive Brand Impression Through Custom Uniforms

Custom uniforms are crucial for positive brand perception. They serve as a tangible representation of a company's identity, values, and professionalism. From the style, material, colour, embroidery,

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